Me starting up the 4th pitch of Bale-Kramer in Leavenworth.
Desperately grabbing a cam at the crux.
Running out of steam after passing the crux.
Phil leading the bolted 5.10a 5th pitch of Bale-Kramer.
Phil leading the bolted 5.10a 5th pitch of Bale-Kramer. There are hidden pockets on this wall that make the climb challenging to lead. I was glad I followed this one. Phil sailed up it cleanly on lead.
Nice cross though clip Phil!
Phil wondering where the next hold is going to be.
And he finds a finger pocket.
Phil leading the bolted 5.10a 5th pitch of Bale-Kramer
A smile for the cameraman.
The evening light is beautiful up high in Leavenworth. The whole canyon had gone into shadow, but we had sunshine for the climb. As soon as we rapped, the light was gone.
Yeah buddy!
Mike leading the new 5.8 in the Pinnacles.
Looking down at Fletch from Easter Overhang. First visit in 20 years.
Jim and his Willys.
Sue and Jim resting after a day up at Cate crag.
Fletch above ROTC on Midnight Rock.
Fletch above ROTC on Midnight Rock.
This is the Easter Overhang rack. Lots of big gear.
Richard in Squamish.
Airtime Austin being belayed by Richard in Squamish
Chris, pregnant with her second, following in Squamish
Belay station on Skywalker in Squamish.
Fletch on Skywalker in Squamish.
Austin, Fletch on Skywalker in Squamish.
Fletch trying to get our picture at the belay station.
Fletch and Austin
Summit shot, Fletch and Austin, Skywalker, 5.8 Squamish.
Austin on a 10B at Index over by Private Idaho.
Austin on a 10B at Index over by Private Idaho.